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More improvements for Seekom’s online booking screens

Our new online booking screens have been enhanced to give you more control over how your rooms display to guests browsing your website. We’ve also updated our calendar view to make it easier for guests to see discounted rates for longer stays and we’ll soon release a further improvement that will save staff time when entering details for guests who book over the phone or in person.

These enhancements are available to everyone using our new booking engine and build on the multi-property view and custom fields improvements made in March.

More power to choose the order your rooms display in

The latest round of enhancements provides you with more control over the order your rooms display in when guests who want to make a booking arrive on your website booking pages.

You can now select the default “sort order” that determines which rooms appear at the top of the list when guests looking to make a booking arrive on your site. The options we have added are:

  • Alphabetical A-Z
  • Alphabetical Z-A
  • Price High to Low
  • Price Low to High
  • Property Display Order (based on how you order the rooms in iBex)

For detailed instructions on how to set the room sort order, read our help guide.

Choose the default room sort order in your Seekom iBex settings.
Choose the default room sort order in your Seekom iBex settings.
The default ‘sort order’ chosen determines how your rooms appear on your booking screen.
The default ‘sort order’ chosen determines how your rooms appear on your booking screen.

Select a default setting for minimum number of guests

You now have the ability to pre-set the ‘Minimum Number of Guests’ dropdown on your online booking screen to a number that makes most sense for your property.

Previously the dropdown always defaulted to two guests, which could pose a problem for hostels providing accommodation for backpackers and people travelling alone. The old setup meant any bunk beds or accommodation designed for a single guest would not display unless a website visitor manually changed the dropdown to ‘1 Guest’.

This issue has been resolved with this latest enhancement.

Choose the default value for the minimum number of guests in your settings.
Choose the default value for the minimum number of guests in your settings.

Website visitors can still change the ‘Minimum Number of Guests’ dropdown to search for rooms that cater for their specific group size.

Once chosen, the ‘Number of Guests’ dropdown on your live booking screen will default to the number selected.
Once chosen, the ‘Number of Guests’ dropdown on your live booking screen will default to the number selected.

Improved visibility for your long-stay discounts

Want to encourage guests to stay on for longer? We’ve updated our booking calendar view, to make it easier for guests to see discounted rates you’re offering for longer stays.

In the example shown below a $210 nightly rate is displayed for a one or two night stay, but that drops to a lower rate of $175 if a guest extends their stay to three nights by arriving earlier or departing later.

Rates displayed for two nights only using the new booking calendar view.
Rates displayed for two nights only using the new booking calendar view.
If a longer stay is selected, the long-stay discount is applied.
If a longer stay is selected, the long-stay discount is applied.

Save time when searching for guests using their home address

The fourth improvement, due for release by the end of May, is a small tweak designed to speed up the process of entering guest details when they make a booking with a member of your team over the phone or in person.

The address field will now auto populate with possible matching results when you or a member of your team enter a guest’s address into the system, removing the need to type their entire address and reducing the potential for typos or spelling mistakes.

Guest address searches now pre-populate to save you time.
Guest address searches now pre-populate to save you time.

We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, available to all users of our new booking system. If you are not yet using the new booking system and want to know more about how to set it up, make sure to read our recent blog about it.

If you have any other ideas that you feel would be valuable for us to develop, log into our feature forum and put your idea up. All our operators are able to submit or vote on any ideas put forward and many of the features mentioned in this blog were suggested via the forum.

One of our amazing business development managers will be in touch to showcase our product to you and talk you through how we can help grow your business.

Our fully scalable Property Management System can provide you the tools and integrations you need to scale and grow your business year round. With the added functionality of a fully integrated channel manager, connect your property or properties to as many channels as you'd like.