If you came to the Seekom conference in June, you’ll know that we have been bringing more Design and UX (User Experience) to our digital products and services. Including more Design and UX as well as a customer centric approach to designing and building software, is giving us all some great insights into how we can make our customers lives better.
Thank you to all our customers that recently took part in the usability testing of the V5 Housekeeping pilot. The results are in!
The customer usability testing results are in!
Insight 1: Making notes more relevant and easier to read.
“notes on the job sheet were in some cases either irrelevant or confusing”
Action: we have looked at the type of notes being displayed, removed them from the digital job sheet, and reorganised them on the printed job sheet.
Insight 2: Helping housekeepers recognise which jobs are priority.
“being able to prioritise jobs would help our customers streamline communication to housekeeping staff”.
Action: We are adding a ‘priority’ status that can be applied to individual or groups of jobs on the jobsheet.
Insight 3: More time to focus on the things that matter more to you and your business.
“2 out of 5 customers told us that assigning a housekeeper to a job online is a nice to have but not a necessity, 3 out of 5 said that their business wouldn’t use it.”
Action: No action has been taken, freeing us to focus on the things that do matter.
V5 Housekeeping is due to be rolled out soon! We are getting ready behind the scenes so keep an eye out for a newsletter in your inbox announcing the rollout...
Last week we ran our first design sprint. A Design Sprint is a method we can use to quickly validate an idea of a feature that could make our customers lives better. We are always looking for customers that want to get involved with the research and testing of products.
Get in touch we would love to hear from you!